Comprehensive Packages

At Power Scholar, we aim to provide outstanding, one-on-one service to all of our clients throughout the college application process.  We like to get to know each student and understand which parts of the process may be most difficult for them so that we can focus on the highest priority needs.  

In working with us, you will receive the following services with all of the Comprehensive Packages:

  • Unlimited email assistance for questions as they arise

  • One-on-one Zoom calls throughout the entire process

  • Recommendations for programs, internships, research opportunities, and extracurricular options

  • Strengths analysis to understand and create future career and academic goals

  • Secondary course and curriculum selection consultation

  • Development of standardized testing timelines

  • An individualized list of college options (up to 10)

  • Complete guidance through applications, including the development of activities and honors lists for up to ten colleges

  • Expert assistance through the college essay writing process for up to ten colleges (hourly rate applies to more than 10)

  • Interview preparation and practice

  • Understanding financial aid and answering of specific family questions, including differences between the FAFSA and CSS Profile

  • Help to research financial aid options, including merit aid and other scholarships.

Comprehensive Junior Year through graduation Package

Available to families that partner with us during the student’s junior year of high school.  Includes monthly 1-hour meetings, access to consult services via email, and follow-up through whichever form of communication works best for the client (email/phone/text/videoconference). 


Comprehensive Senior Year Package

Limited availability*. We understand that some families may get started in the application process, but may begin to get overwhelmed.  We are here to help!  This package includes monthly 1-hour meetings and access to consulting services via email, as well as phone/text/videoconferences as needed to meet a more condensed timeline to make sure we are meeting all of the goals and needs of the student. 


Hourly Support

We understand that students may only need a few one-on-one meetings to review an essay or application, discuss summer opportunities, or develop a course plan and may not feel they need a full package. For these students and their families, we also offer hourly consultations.

For students already engaged in one of the comprehensive packages listed above, additional hourly help is available if the student needs assistance applying to more than ten colleges (e.g., extra essays, and application reviews).

$90 per hour

*Because we limit the number of students we work with for each graduating class to maintain a high level of individualized attention and care for our families, the Late-Start Senior Package and hourly packages may not be available if all spaces have been filled.