How Important are College Application Essays?

Essays just got a lot more important.

The University of Chicago has taken the lead and decided not to use the SAT and ACT in their admissions process.

What does this mean?


Major universities are taking a more holistic view of the student: their achievements and work ethic over a longer period of time, not just the scores from a 3 hour test.

So how are they going to determine who gets in and who doesn’t?

This is good news, if you know how to tell your story. Imagine a student who's faced significant life challenges, and as a result, their grades suffered.

Can you see that student’s resilience and determination reflected in their GPA?

Not likely.

So where can you see these great qualities?

That’s right… in the essays.

Duke University dean of admissions said he relies heavily on personal essays that applicants submit. Princeton's dean echoes the same thought:

“It’s a singular opportunity for students to take some time and present themselves to us,” “There’s real value in that.”
— Christoph Guttentag (Duke University dean of admissions)
“We really value writing,” “It’s a required part of our curriculum. We want to be able to assess a student’s ability before they get to us.”
— Rapelye (Princeton dean of admissions)

Writing a compelling story gives you an opportunity for admission’s officers to see the connection between your interests and your studies. You want to make them fall in love with you, but that won’t happen unless they get a glimpse into your world, to find out why you pursued a certain sport or area of study. They can’t see your connection to a service project because of your interest in a scientific subject - unless you know how to tell the story.

The more schools that adopt this practice of not looking SAT and ACT scores, the more essential your ability to make an impression with your essays becomes. Take a little time with your essays and they will become a powerful tool in showing colleges who you are and why they want you.

Need help writing your college admissions essays? Check out our book: Power Essays